Diploma in Product Leadership and Transformation: Strategy, Technology and Excellence
Old School is Out
Welcome to Product Management of 2030
Future-Proof your product mastery!
Redefining the game: Our 'Diploma in Product Leadership and Transformation' isn't just ahead of the curve – it is the curve.
In a world transformed by AI and climate change, we're not just following trends – we're setting them. This course isn't about traditional strategies; it's about leading the charge in an ever-evolving market.
Become a product leader equipped for the unknowns of tomorrow, today. We're offering not just skills, but a revolution in thinking and execution.
Ready to step up? This is where future product giants are made. Your time is now. Let's shape the future, together.
Course Overview: Combining Product Management Excellence with Leadership Skills
Program Description
Embark on a transformative journey
that trains you for the new wave of product management
Comprehensive program for mid-career professionals
aiming to excel in the evolving world of product management
Meticulously curated modules
for real-world relevance and future-readiness
Unparalleled blend of strategic insight, hands-on experience, and visionary leadership skills
spanning market analysis, AI integration, customer success, and more
Opportunity to become a part of the next generation of product management leaders
equipped to drive innovation and success in a rapidly changing business landscape
Why Choose Diploma in Product Leadership and Transformation?
Futuristic Curriculum
Designed for next generation of product managers
Real-world Relevance
Tailored to the dynamic and diverse Indian market
RPG-Based Learning
Hands-on, interactive experiences that simulate real-world challenges
Capstone: Build to Launch Product
Guided by an expert mentor, to go live on Product Hunt
Expert Mentorship
Guidance from industry veterans
Placement Preparation
Strategic focus on career advancement in high-level PM roles
Guaranteed Interviews
Get guaranteed interviews in the best of companies through our 500+ company network
Enroll in "Diploma in Product Leadership and Transformation: Strategy, Technology and Excellence" and take the first step towards becoming a leader in this exciting and ever-evolving field.
Embrace the future, today.
Highlights: A Trailblazing Product Management Program


Revolutionize Your Career with Cutting-Edge Modules
Embark on a journey through groundbreaking modules, from "AI-Driven Analytics" to "Visionary Leadership", each meticulously designed to equip you with unparalleled skills in today's tech-centric market.


Capstone Project: Launch Real Products with No-Code & AI Tools
Dive into a transformative experience with our optional "Real-World Product Launch" module. You'll take half-baked prototypes to market using no-code tools and AI, culminating in a live launch on Product Hunt. This isn't just learning; it's doing.


Unique RPG Simulation Learning
Each module incorporates an RPG (Role-Playing Game) element, immersing you in real-life scenarios. This innovative approach transforms theoretical concepts into practical, hands-on experiences.


Market-Specific Mastery
Specialized focus on India's evolving market. Learn strategies and insights tailored to one of the world's fastest-growing tech ecosystems, preparing you for success in both local and global markets.


Placement Preparation for High-Level Roles
Our dedicated placement module prepares you for high-level PM roles. Our proprietary and proven The Perfect Fit course helps to build the right portfolio and attack placements confidently via a systematic process. Further, through interactive sessions and expert guidance, we bridge the gap between learning and professional application.


Leadership & Negotiation Skills
Go beyond technical skills. Our course hones your leadership abilities, negotiation tactics, and crisis management, ensuring you're not just a product manager, but a product leader.


Financial Intelligence & Ethical Considerations
Gain expertise in financial intelligence and navigate the complexities of business decisions that have financial implications. Coupled with regulatory compliance and ethical considerations, the learnings will make you a well-rounded, responsible professional.


Networking Opportunities with Industry Leaders
Connect with a network of professionals and industry leaders. These connections are not just for learning but are gateways to future career opportunities.


Customized Learning Experience
With a range of modules and the option to choose the capstone project, tailor your learning journey to your personal and professional goals.


State-of-the-Art Learning Materials
Access a wealth of resources, including AI tools, no-code platforms, and the latest industry insights, keeping you at the forefront of product management knowledge.‪‬
Program Curriculum

Phase 1: Strategic Foundations and Market Vision (Weeks 1-4)

💪 Outcome: Formulate a product vision incorporating sustainability, AI insights, key metrics, and financial planning. Week 1: "Product Visionary with sustainability focus" Learning Outcome: Develop strategies for sustainable product development Live Lecture: Introduction to Sustainable Product Strategies Key Topics: Market Analysis and Sustainability Integration Group RPG: Eco-Innovation Challenges Practice RPGs: Environmental Impact Simulator; Market Response Predictor Week 2: "AI Insight Architect" Learning Outcome: Utilize AI for strategic insights and product decisions Live Lecture: AI and Analytics in Product Strategy Key Topics: Predictive Modeling and User Behavior Analytics Group RPG: Data-Driven Product Scenarios Practice RPGs: AI Ethics Dilemma; Predictive Analytics Adventure Week 3: "Metrics Maestro" Learning Outcome: Master key metrics for product management Live Lecture: Advanced Metrics for Decision Making Key Topics: Metrics Analysis and Application Group RPG: Navigating Data in Decision Making Practice RPGs: Metrics Mastery Challenge; Data-Driven Strategy Game Week 4: "Financial Strategist" Learning Outcome: Acquire financial planning skills for PMs Live Lecture: Financial Planning and Analysis Key Topics: Budgeting and Financial Modeling Group RPG: Financial Strategy in Product Development Practice RPGs: Budget Balancing Act; ROI Strategy Simulation

Phase 2: User-Centered Design and Innovation (Weeks 5-8)

💪 Outcome: Refine your product using user-centered design, innovative strategies, and leadership skills. Week 5: "User Research Pro" Learning Outcome: Gain expertise in user research for product development Live Lecture: Techniques in User Research Key Topics: Conducting and Applying User Research Group RPG: User Empathy Journey Practice RPGs: Customer Persona Builder; User Feedback Analyzer Week 6: "Design Thinking Guru" Learning Outcome: Apply design thinking for engaging user experiences Live Lecture: Design Thinking and Prototyping Key Topics: UX Design and Rapid Prototyping Group RPG: The Prototype Workshop Practice RPGs: Prototype Iteration Challenge; UX Testing Lab Week 7: "Innovation Negotiator" Learning Outcome: Innovate in product strategy and business models Live Lecture: Business Model Innovation Key Topics: Strategic Negotiation Techniques Group RPG: Strategic Negotiation Scenarios Practice RPGs: Stakeholder Alignment Simulator; Innovation Pitch Contest Week 8: "Leadership Pathfinder" Learning Outcome: Cultivate leadership skills for PM challenges Live Lecture: Leadership in Product Management Key Topics: Ethical Considerations and Team Dynamics Group RPG: Leadership Challenges in Product Management Practice RPGs: Team Management Scenario; Ethical Decision-Making Game

Phase 3: Operational Excellence and Go-to-Market Strategies (Weeks 9-12)

💪 Outcome: Develop a comprehensive operational plan ensuring product compliance, scalability, and market readiness. Week 9: "Customer Success Champion" Learning Outcome: Integrate customer success for scalable growth Live Lecture: Customer Success and Scalability Key Topics: User Engagement Strategies Group RPG: Customer Success in Scaling Practice RPGs: Engagement Metrics Analyzer; Customer Journey Optimizer Week 10: "Ethics and Compliance Guardian" Learning Outcome: Manage ethical and compliance aspects in PM Live Lecture: Navigating Compliance and Ethics Key Topics: Change Management in Teams Group RPG: Ethical Leadership Decisions Practice RPGs: Compliance Challenge; Ethical Leadership Simulator Week 11: "Launch Maestro" Learning Outcome: Excel in product execution for impactful launches Live Lecture: Strategies for Product Launch Key Topics: Quality Assurance and Market Timing Group RPG: Launchpad Simulation Practice RPGs: Market Reaction Test; Quality Control War Room Week 12: "Market Strategist" Learning Outcome: Craft effective go-to-market strategies Live Lecture: Go-to-Market Strategies Key Topics: Market Introduction and Consumer Behavior Group RPG: Market Entry Strategy Game Practice RPGs: Segment Targeting Drill; Market Penetration Blueprint

Phase 4: Product Hunt Launch (Integrated Throughout the Course)

💪 Outcome: Progressive development of the product, applying module-specific learnings at each checkpoint. Experience the challenge of a real-world product launch and market traction analysis. Week 4, 8, 12: "Product Progress Checkpoints" Learning Outcome: Apply course learnings to develop and refine the product at key stages Key Topics: Guided product development sessions; Peer and instructor feedback Special Focus: No-Code and AI tool clinics; Product refinement workshops; Prototype iteration and user testing; Go-to-market strategy workshops "Product Hunt Trailblazer" Week Duration: 2 Weeks Learning Outcome: Launch a product on Product Hunt with real-world application of skills Live Lecture: Preparing for Product Hunt Launch Key Topics: Finalizing Product for Launch; Marketing and User Engagement Practice RPGs: Not applicable; focus on product launch execution Group RPG: Not applicable; real-world product launch focus

Placement Prep (Weeks 10-14)

💪 Outcome: Equip for competitive PM roles with a polished resume, strong personal brand, and effective networking strategies. Guaranteed interviews after completion of this phase "Career Launchpad" Week Duration: 5 Weeks (Concurrent with Phase 3 and Phase 4) Learning Outcome: Prepare for high-level PM roles with resume optimization, personal branding, and strategic networking Live Lecture: Resume Building and Personal Branding Key Topics: Week 10-11: Advanced Resume Workshops Week 12-13: Networking and Branding Strategies Week 14: Mock Interviews and Final Review Practice RPGs: Interview Simulation Game; Networking Event Simulator

Step into Product Leadership: Advanced Strategies for Experienced Professionals
Understanding RPG in Learning: A Creative and Immersive Approach
Role-Playing for Professionals
An Interactive Learning Adventure
Imagine stepping into a world where learning isn't just about listening and taking notes, but about living the experience. This is what our RPG (Role-Playing Game) based learning modules offer.
Bringing Learning to Life
Imagine working through a product launch, dealing with budget cuts, or negotiating with stakeholders – all in a safe, simulated environment. This is what our RPG-based learning modules offer.
Your Role in This Adventure
As a learner, you're not just a passive participant; you're the hero of your educational journey. Each decision you make shapes your understanding and mastery of product management.
Ready to Play and Learn?
Join us in this unique and interactive learning adventure where education meets imagination. Unlock your potential in a way that's as enjoyable as it is educational.
What is RPG-Based Learning?
Role-Playing Defined
In an RPG, you assume a character's role, facing scenarios and making decisions as if you were that person. It's like being an actor in a play, where the script is the real-world challenges of product management.
Interactive Scenarios
Each module presents a story-like scenario related to a specific aspect of product management. You might be a product leader in a startup, a strategist in a multinational corporation, or a crisis manager handling a product recall.
Decision-Making and Consequences
As you navigate these scenarios, your choices directly impact the outcome. This mirrors the real-life decision-making process in product management, providing practical insights into the consequences of your actions.
How Does RPG Enhance Learning?
Engagement and Retention
By actively participating in a story, you're more engaged and likely to retain information. It's a proven fact that we remember stories and experiences better than lectures.
Practical Skill Application
RPG scenarios require you to apply concepts learned in the course, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
Empathy and Perspective-Taking
Stepping into different roles cultivates empathy and a deeper understanding of various stakeholders in the product management process.
Creative Problem-Solving
Unscripted challenges encourage out-of-the-box thinking and innovative solutions, essential skills for any successful product manager.
Module X: Product Hunt Launch
Build and launch a Real-World Product on Product Hunt, No-Code & AI Mastery
This module is designed to be a capstone experience, translating theoretical learning into tangible product management skills, and offering participants a real taste of what it takes to launch a successful product in today's dynamic tech landscape.


This module offers:
A real-world experience in launching a product using acquired knowledge


No-code tools and AI:
Transform a half-baked prototype into a market-ready live product


Effectively launch the product on Product Hunt, engage with the platform's community and attract initial users


Unique opportunity to gain initial users and build a standout portfolio
Learning Outcomes:
Apply course concepts:
In a real-world project, launching a product on Product Hunt
No-code tools and AI:
Utilize effectively to enhance and refine a prototype
Develop and execute:
A launch strategy to attract initial users and gain traction on Product Hunt
Analyze post-launch data:
To understand user reception and plan for future iterations
Create a product showcase:
That serves as a practical testament to your skills and capabilities in product management
Special Features:
  • No-Code and AI Integration Clinics: Focused sessions on effectively using no-code tools and AI for product development.
  • Product Hunt Strategy Workshops: Guidance on creating a successful launch strategy specific to Product Hunt.
  • Feedback and Iteration Loops: Opportunities for peer and instructor feedback on product development stages.
  • Portfolio Development Support: Assistance in documenting the project for a professional portfolio, highlighting key learning points and achievements.

Module Timeline:

3 Check-ins at week 4, 8 and 12 Each check-in builds accountability Helps in getting guidance and support just-in-time 2 Dedicated weeks for product building and launch Dedicated focus on launching product Generate traction for your product and build a portfolio worth showcasing Check-in 1: Introduction to Project and No-Code & AI Tools Overview of Project Requirements Workshop on No-Code Tools and AI Integration Check-in 2: Prototype Refinement and Market Positioning Hands-on sessions in refining the prototype Strategies for effective market positioning Check-in 3: Pre-Launch Preparations and Strategy Development Crafting a compelling narrative and launch plan Pre-launch user engagement and feedback sessions Check-in 4: Product Launch on Product Hunt and Analysis Executing the launch strategy Post-launch review and user acquisition analysis

Weekly Commitment
Embarking on a Transformative Journey
Embark on an inspiring and productive weekly schedule, thoughtfully designed to maximize your learning and development in the realm of Product Management. This balanced approach combines interactive sessions, self-guided learning, and personalized mentorship, all tailored to foster your growth and readiness for high-level PM roles.
Here's a breakdown of your weekly commitment, crafted to be both challenging and rewarding:

Live Sessions & Group RPGs (3 hours)

Dive into engaging and interactive live sessions, including group RPGs, where you'll collaborate and learn with peers. These sessions are not just educational but also a space for creative exploration and practical application of your PM skills.

Self-Directed RPG Learning (As needed)

Enjoy the flexibility to engage in self-directed RPG learning at your own pace. This component allows you to delve deeper into aspects that intrigue you the most, reinforcing your learning experience in a manner that suits your personal style.

1:1 Mentorship (1 hour)

Benefit from personalized guidance in your one-hour mentorship sessions. These sessions are a unique opportunity to receive individualized advice, feedback, and support from experienced PM professionals.

Placement Prep (1 hour)

Spend one hour each week specifically focused on placement preparation. This time is dedicated to refining your resume, enhancing your personal brand, and strategizing your entry into the PM job market.

Self-study & Project Work (2-3 hours)

Allocate 2-3 hours for self-study and project work, adaptable based on your RPG engagement. This time is for you to absorb new information, work on projects, and apply your learning in practical scenarios. It's a chance to internalize the knowledge and skills you've acquired and apply them in a way that resonates with your personal and professional goals.

Total Commitment (7-8 hours)

With a total weekly commitment of 7-8 hours, this schedule is designed to be immersive yet manageable, ensuring that you can balance your learning with other responsibilities.

This journey of learning and growth is not just about acquiring skills; it's about evolving as a professional, ready to make your mark in the world of Product Management. Embrace each week with enthusiasm and commitment, and witness your transformation into a PM leader of tomorrow.
See you in the class!
Step Up Your Career in Product Management and Leadership - Enroll Now
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